Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Who Is Your Best Friend In Life?

Friend, who is your best friend in life?

You probably will start thinking who is your closest friend, who is he or she? your classmates, your church mates, etc etc... This is really an interesting question to ask yourself.

I want to specifically talk a little bit about best friend in marriage here.

This question will probably wake up many people when comes to life in marriage. What's your take?

Recently, Pastor Tim just shared about topics in marriage and he revealed one little thing that people always tend to ignore when comes to marriage and being husband and wife. That is really something that i personally is learning from Day 1 when i was courting my girlfriend who is of course my wife now, people who know me long enough will understand that better.

You see, many people got into marriage just because of getting married, or because of any other reasons and later they find themself struggling with their relationship with each other. Isn't that stupid? Sorry, maybe i should find other word, but that's the most suitable word that i can think of now. Why would you want to get into this relationship and start struggling with it? Better Not if you are not ready. That's my view. I am sure many people would disagree with me. Think about that.

But what if you are in the relationship? You must be the best friend of each other! There is really no excuse. That is one of the secret of becoming life long partners and you both will enjoy the companionship much better along the way, no matter what happen. Isn't that simple?

I came across this article in Our Daily Life today, it touches on a real story happened last year September when the "Crocodile Hunter" died. His wife Terri shared in an interview that she lost her "prince" and best friend in life. There is a lot of thing to learn from this little thing, who is your best friend?

Start changing your mindset and relationship today if you are still not the best friend of your wife or husband! It is still not too late.

You may then ask, How to go about doing it?

2 simple tips here,
1. Remind yourself of being the best friend over and over again...because you tend to forget.
2. Have fun together! over and over again...

To your success!


Monday, August 20, 2007

Our Next Date On Sep 22, 2007 - Mid Autumn Special Gathering

Hey All,

Here's a special annoucement for all of you on the coming Mid Autumn special gathering. Please book down your calendar on this date:

Sep 22, 2007 (Saturday)
600 pm - ....
At Sembawang Park, Barbecue Pit No 11th
Bus 882 is available at Sembawang MRT every 20 minutes interval

Remember, bring along your friend to this event.

Our host for this event: Jasmine and Siong Yen


Sunday, July 15, 2007

have an interview with God...

Hi Friends,

Oh ya...today i came across a website that is quite interesting and popular, called "The Interview with God". You may or may not have seen it. I want to share with you as i find it very inspiring!

The beautiful and powerful presentation that has inspired millions will bring you closer to God!

Go to here and hit on "View Presentation"



Now you can watch the full sermons online..and all the past sermons

Hi Friends,

Thought of sharing with you that you can watch all the past sermons at Yoido Full Gospel Church Online Portal (South Korea) and they also have listed some of the sermons in transcript for you to read. It's really a great resources library. There are many languages that you can choose.

The main website is at FGTV.com.

While you can find the chinese and english version here.



Saturday, July 14, 2007

This is where you can view our travel experience, especially our honeymoon


As promised, visit thomastravelonline.blogspot.com to view our travel details to South Korea!

Let me have your comments...I would love your comments!

PS: I'm posting them as when as they are ready, so stay tuned to the post!

PPS: Day 1 to Seoul, Yongin Everland and Jeju Island has just been posted seconds ago....



Saturday, June 23, 2007

Can you imagine the future technology?

Microsoft announced in May 2007 the forthcoming product which is based on Vista, called Surface. It allows user, or multiple users, to manipulate digital content by the use of natural motions, hand gestures, or physical objects.

It's unimaginable right? As compared to what we are using nowadays...

With that...means what? You can actually grab data with your HANDS and move around with natural gestures and touch. Amazing!

You can see more in the Video below.. For your viewing pleasures.

sharing with you,


Saturday, June 9, 2007

Bonus Surprise For All of You...

OK ok...So What's the surprise?

Haha...I would like to give you something special before Shirlee & me travel back to Malaysia.

Our dear friend at New Zealand, Shu Fang sent us a postcard!

Check it out.

PS: You can add photos to the blog by "creating a new post", look up at top right corner for "new post", you can do a "add image" from the composer and upload the photos here, and that's done!

Solving 4x4 Cube

Share with you people...something besides our cell group.

I came across this video which remembers me of one of my favorite pastime, guess what? Solving a 4x4 cube.

Don't know what is it? Check out in the video.

It's so cool! and interesting....See how this guy play the 4x4 cube...you will be amazed!

I used to play this type of 3x3 or 4x4 cube during my school days, and you know i'm actually quite good at it...


My Picture..

Who is this guy? Guess what....because i need to upload the photo to my profile page, so i have to post my photo here first.

Newly Birth...@ 211...Check It Out!

Dear all,

We have finally decided to craft our blog space on the web to share our everyday's thoughts, personal experience with the Lord, bible reading, prayer time, quiet time, church sermonts, church activities, and most importantly our cell activities...and ultimately it is limited by your imagination. You can practically share anything here.

So let's chat!

PS. For people who are not members of the 211 Cell, you are also most welcomed to leave your posts here.

Thomas U